I had planned on posting more about art and paintings. Lately my vision is filled with awful images from cable news. I did enter a painting in the National Portrait competition despite the feeling that any work I can do as a painter was dwarfed by the enormity of the loss of so many lives.
Then, today, the Artist's Magazine arrived.In the October 2005 issue, there was a very nice article about an artist who also studied at the American Academy of Art. Her work is really beautiful.
It is difficult being a painter in isolation. This magazine and staying in touch with other artist friends helps with momentum. Naples is a community which has a lot of artists, especially during the winter months. There are some classes but they seem to cater to the people who want to just begin painting. The informal gathering of artists together to just sketch, chip in together to hire a model all seem to be absent from this area. Some groups do have get togethers and meetings, but the focus of these groups isn't what I had been so fortunate to have found in the Tampa area when I lived there.
So today, after reading about
Susan Lyons and reminding myself people actually once paid money for my work, I am determined to think more positively. I need to find a way to start a sketch group and find some place to meet without huge fees.
I am also going to add the portrait I submitted to the national competition. I don't really think it will make it into the finalists, but I had to try. I do know I need to work more from life and must find a way to do this. I love nature and pieces about rhythm and pattern, but figurative work is always been where my heart is.