I am an artist. I have been painting and drawing since I was 3 years old. After spending too many years and too much energy doing other things I am back to my original path. I won scholarships and awards for my artwork as a child and young woman. For the first time in a long time, I can declare that I am an artist 24/7. Visit http://www.trudybentleyrech.com/
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Back in the Studio
Bayshore Arts is having an exhibtion in February and I will be submitting at least one piece for this show. The theme is LOVE.
The work will premiere here first in a day or so. I painted the work using water based oils in the hopes that it will be dry enough to submit by NEXT Saturday! One painting should be fine, but I am concerned about the other....I love thick paint.
I just joined this fine organization (on December 21st) and got the canvasses that day as well. I finished the paintings YESTERDAY. I am cutting this one close!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Longest Night
I never used to understand why anyone would not find December an uplifting month, however this changed just after moving to Naples in December 2002. Both my my mother and my father-in-law passed away within 10 days of each other and before Christmas. Change happens and sometimes "it leaves a mark".
So it is the longest night and my most difficult day and night of the year.
Ironically on this unfortunate day, I learned a lesson in the business of art that has me smarting. The lesson will make me stronger as a business person.
I wrote about it in my ArtNews blog. Time will pass and I will have moved on, but on the longest night, I am in no mood to look on the bright side yet.
New paintings will be posted soon. I have so many ideas, but in preparation for a number of things, my work has been on the back burner for a bit.
Longest night...then tomorrow each day, just a bit more sunshine (rain in the forecast?)...oh well, I will just take an umbrella and lots of plastic backs to pick up my work!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Next show

Moving on to the next show. December 2nd, Naples Community Hospital has a reception for the Atelier Lizio group show. I have 3 pieces showing. The community in Naples is very art oriented. Even some Starbucks feature the work of local artists.
August Skyscape is one of my paintings hanging in the NCH show.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Catalog of work! Exhibition schedule for November
When this link is accessed via my website or
Blogger newsletter it loads correctly.
The theme of my work this season is characterized
by a painting titled (I'll take) Romance
Hope even if you are not in town, you will visit my website &
browse the catalog. I am seeking commissions and will
be happy to work out details for shipping work.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Circle of Life

This painting is one of my newest ones. Don't know if it will be dry enough to frame for November 1st, when I am in a two person show at the Norris Center in the City of Naples, but if not, there are a couple of other opportunities coming up the 2006-07 season.
It is a small painting 9 X 12 inches in oil and on an archival panel.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Love of my life

I paid for many art supplies doing dog portraits when I was in art school. I do love dogs. All dogs but not just dogs. I love critters in general: birds, cats, dogs, frogs...etc...CRITTERS :-D.
This painting is a 16 X 20 oil on archival panel and framed in a gilded frame. It is "in the collection of the artist" and not for sale. The title is If Dogs Could Talk.
This dog does communicate very well with her eyes, ears, tail and amazingly word like expressions. She CAN spell and count. Dogs...I love dogs.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The friendship of other artists
Now, to the studio!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Glades Song

I am not sure why, but painting the figure is so much fun for me. A local group of artists meet weekly to draw the figure from life. I am so happy to have this opportunity again. Hiring models is difficult on a tight budget, but being able to practice my craft with others not only keeps my skills honed, it is just plain fun. I believe artists need other artists. We have such a great informal group comprised of members of Jo-Ann Lizio's organization: Atlier Lizio
Occasionally, I hire a model or two just for myself. This painting: Glades Song is a result of such a session. I prefer not to do formal portraits, but to put people in natural settings and try to capture not only a likeness but the essence of the person/people in the picture. Here two friends/collegues are just visiting and enjoying a quiet song in a park like setting near the Everglades.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Balancing painting and real life can be interesting. I am coming up for "air" today. I just updated my website and added new paintings. Three are strictly about native Florida and one is about people enjoying natural beauty. I really enjoy figurative work the best, but nature comes in close second. Please visit my website and see the 4 newest pieces. Rabbit, Rabbit replaces Dancing Oak on the homepage. Old Spirit: Survivor is the painting of a gopher tortoise who has large scars on his shell as a result of being run over in traffic. A neighbor rescued him and brought him to his property. It isn't good to move critters (not sure if what he did was legal), however, this fellow would have been dead had he not been rescued. Development and roadways put animals like this amazing old fellow in grave jeopardy.
Monday, July 24, 2006
New related blogs
Fun with Paint is all about having fun with paint or other material where the medium itself just takes over. It is about relaxing after working hard and playing with color and or images.
Check it out this is where I will be posting my experimental work.
The second blog is my Newsletter Blog. Trudy's ArtNewsLetter
While the plan is to update this site weekly, I will likely send out the link to my email subscribers only monthly. I do not want to become a spammer!

Met this fellow during a trip to Ft. Worth, Texas, last year. I took dozens of digital images of him and a few other cowboys who were there for a special event. I prefer working from life, but working out sketches for this painting could almost hear his charming laugh. I took many more images of the rodeo and some other interesting cowboys, and Indians.
To see more of my latest work, please visit my virtual gallery website.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Lost in painting

Well I hope that I can get a bit caught up this week. Been painting so much, that I haven't had time to post.
I will post a few new pieces here and of course on my home page.
This one is called Dancing Oak.
I have done so many still lifes that I needed to literally take a breath of fresh air. Check back again in a day and see another piece. I am also going to post some experimental works on another blog. Check for the link here later today.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Updated my website again

I have been working hard. Have two upcoming exhibitions that will add to exposure locally. More about these opportunities for you to see work in person as they approach.
I had a hard time deciding which of the paintings done in the last week or so to put on the front page of my site. I finally chose Eastern Influence, but wanted to showcase another painting as well. Do you think I made the right decision? The paintings are very different in mood.
This is the other contender:
It is a 16 x 20 inch oil on archival panel called (I'll take) Romance
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Completed yesterday

I am using the working title, Patio Plants for this 16 x 20 oil on Masonite panel. I started it Friday and almost completed it in a short painting session. I was finally able to put finishing touches on it yesterday. The orchid is a cultivated variety with origins back to a native Florida orchid called the Butterfly Orchid. I have a Butterfly Orchid growing naturally in one of my trees but it took a hit from Wilma last fall and I don't think it will bloom this year. The blue flowers are plumbago and very intense in color. I got close to portraying the intensity of the hue, but I am not sure there is a pigment made to hit this color on the head. The other flower is a native wildflower which shows up in many states: common name...Blanket Flower.
New work: Feeling Sentimental
Friday, May 05, 2006
Major website overhaul complete
Friday, April 28, 2006
Newest painting

My newest painting is of a delightful woman who models part time. She is the first model I have hired for just myself.
I titled this painting “…brings her own light”
It is a 16x20 inch oil painting on archival panel. I am pleased with the result and plan on keeping it in my own “collection” for now.
Time to go plan the next painting!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Conte figure drawing
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Conte portrait
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Tea and Roses
Busy as a bee: underpainting
Friday, March 24, 2006
Another new painting

The Key
Friday, March 17, 2006
Think of Roses
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The workshop

Ok, I had planned on posting more during the workshop with Karol Kintz. But...I have been working my tail off. Good thing.
I see paintings everywhere I look...that is everything I see seems to be in painting form right now. Even the newspaper seems to be transformed. Boy is it ever hard work, yet fun and very exciting. Am painting some plumbago flowers now. I finished a painting of tropical flowers and posted it on my website. See for yourself the side by side comparison of the plumbago painting and the tropical flowers.
The plumbago flower has a very difficult to photograph and paint color. I am some paint straigt out of the tube to get the intense purple/blue hue seen in the shadows of this flower. It is a challenge to get the right feeling.
Monday, February 20, 2006

This post isn't about RED tape, but about red roses.
I will be taking a workshop with Karol Kintz on still life painting. Karol (who I mentioned before in this blog) is an accomplished artist who is featured at the Knox galleries in Naples. She studied at the American Academy of Art where I studied as well. Karol also studied with the very famous David Leffel. Google his name! Wow, I would love to have one of my paintings sell for 25K or more someday...
I plan on posting a work from her workshop weekly. To begin, however, this is a small painting of roses I did as a begining point before the workshop. The format for this oil is 5x7 inches.
If you got to this page from my website, you can return by clicking here
Sunday, February 19, 2006
I have a lot to learn and my target to be fully operational as a business is fall of 2006. I will first make a business plan. Nothing in art school or even college covers this type of thing. I am happy there is an organization like SCORE.
I will be taking a workshop this week. Posting a painting done to prep for it tomorrow. More about the workshop with the painting!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Website is updated

If you are reading my blog, take a moment and check out my new website....
I have learned a lot. Most artists post their bio in the third person. This is the web. I want to be more informal. My Bio and formal resume will go with a package to folks who want this kind of documentation or if I am in an gallery exhibition or museum type show, but for online...I am staying casual...at least for now. What do you think of this painting? I am donating it to a charity event for Step by Step Early Childhood Development Center. They help children with developmental delays catch up. It is a great center. They use art to reach out to the young children. It is one of my favorite pieces, but theirs is a great cause. Hope it brings them much needed funding.
Friday, February 03, 2006
One more thing
Why do I make variety of art I make?
I am an intensely visual person with a huge curiosity about life science and the arts.
My artwork is about connecting both.
For example, when my subject is a person, I like to look beyond the physical shell to connect with the personality of my subject.
Capturing the physical image of the subject is fun. I see mass and form, flesh and structure with a spark of the person inside.
Painting becomes my dance inspired by vision, being actualized by my own muscles and bones.
Working on new site
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
My official website
The Visit

This painting got me started back painting my favorite subject: People.
It is an acrylic painting done Alla Prima style on a 24 x 36 inch canvas. I don't ever really intend on selling this piece. "She" is what brought me back to painting representationally again.
Some artists and collectors only feel oil paintings are the most desireable. I like to use a lot of different mediums to express myself. I do love working in oil, but acrylic paint has wonderful qualities as well.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Conte crayon still life
Conte crayon drawing

My Friend David Hettinger

If you look close, David has a Salon de Garage postcard in his shirt pocket. Our visit was just wonderful. His success is inspirational to me. Not only is he very talented, but he is a very good person and loyal friend. I have a picture of the two of us taken with the camera's timer, but...I like being behind the camera and not the focus of it.
More links and pictures to come. Check back daily or at least every other day. I am looking over some drawings made at the Atelier Lizio's sketch group to post. After I resize them for the web, I will select a sample to add to the blog.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Good News with Plums and Green Apples
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Good show
Check back tomorrow for an update
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Hanging the show

Tonight, I will be at the Sona Gallery in Naples later today to hang my own work. Although the space is restricted because this event has 12 other artists showing, I have a great hanging plan. All the extras are under control. I have a guest book, business cards, bio and artist's statement as well as some brochures showing past and present work. The show opens tomorrow evening. I will be happy to take some of the day to relax. Today, I am adding a still life to this blog. I am feeling a bit hungry!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Sky Slices
Plumbago in the Afternoon
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Violet at last
Making a catalog

Today, I am working on a catalog of work currently available. I photographed most of the pieces on Tuesday and am now importing the RAW format images into PhotoshopCS to make certain the color profiles accurately reflect the work and to make smaller, web friendly files.
This is one of the paintings that will be at Salon de Garage at the Sona Gallery in Naples this coming Friday night and all day Saturday. The title, Violet, is not a woman's name, but refers to the primary pigments used in creating this small oil from drawings I made during the Tuesday sketching sessions.
Violet...doesn't seem to want to load so I am going to try "In the Rookery" to see what happens.
David is a Master in the Oil Painter of America. His work is absolutely beautiful. Have also reconnected with another former American Academy of Art student and now excellent painter Dave Kuczynski. His work can be seen on this site http://www.mowsart.com/ (check the gallery section.) One of our old group includes Ron Barsano. Ron is the first person I found when using Google to search for classmates. His work is just beautiful also. http://www.barsano.com/index.html I have asked for help from a fellow blogger and artist, Martha Marshall. http://marthabrooksmarshall.com/ She has set up links on her blog on a side area and I will be doing this soon as well. She has links to some of our other friends on her blog and website. Martha was very instrumental in my return to painting. The synergy from a group called BRAVA in the Tampa area gave me confidence to paint outside of the closet again and take my work public before we moved to Naples and it was time to get reestablished once again. BRAVA has a blog http://bravaartists.blogspot.com/
Monday, January 09, 2006
Exciting news
I will post at least one of the pictures I will be showing...and hopefully selling! Very soon. Made an Access database for my currently available work yesterday. I looking to build my art as a business without losing contact with my creative side AND find a way to get the daily chores done!