My plein air workshop group has done well. We have one more session coming up a little more than a week. We have been plagued by "cold" and windy weather for our area (less than 60 degrees)! So we took a week off. Because I am getting ready for 2 solo exhibitions, I am using this time to get ready for these shows.
As a result of the workshop, I have also been doing more work outside the studio.
This piece was done near the entry of the Naples Zoo. The sea grape is a native plant and the play of light and shadow this day was particularly fun to paint.
I am not used to painting with so many distractions, however. It wasn't the people, or the duck...but traffic noise! The smell of the diesel fueled buses, the sound of sirens, horns and even some construction sounds affected my vision. I sometimes see colors when I hear certain sounds. I had trouble tuning out the cacophony of these disquieting noises and smells.
People on the other hand didn't bother me at all. I can talk and paint without loss of focus. The Muscovy duck hung out with me despite the fact he did not receive any food. He was pretty pesty, but he seemed to enjoy the fact I would talk to him. Muscovy ducks aren't native to Florida and they often become pests. Check my nature blog later today for more on this critter.
WOWWWWW! What a beautiful piece!!!! REALLY OUTSTANDING! I was thinking before that I hoped you would put on some of your work..and then I go and look at your blog and WOW! GREAT JOB!
Thank you Angela, hope you will visit my website and check out some of the other plein air pieces
on this page: http://www.trudybentleyrech.com/Workshopsandmore.htm
I plan on adding a zoom feature for these pieces tomorrow.
I will try to take a look at it when I find time. I look forward to it! How are you going to add a zoom feature? I don't know how to do anything other then the plain old stuff...lololol
Just got back from checking out your work!!! WOW!!! You are do amazing work! I LOVE IT! Just wanted to tell ya that. :) Wish I could drive, I'd go and hang out with you in your studio one day. We could paint together. That would be kewl!
Thank you again Angela. Your comments have made my day.
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