Monday, July 24, 2006

New related blogs

I took time yesterday to catch up with photographing my latest paintings and to create two new blogs!
Fun with Paint is all about having fun with paint or other material where the medium itself just takes over. It is about relaxing after working hard and playing with color and or images.
Check it out this is where I will be posting my experimental work.

The second blog is my Newsletter Blog. Trudy's ArtNewsLetter

While the plan is to update this site weekly, I will likely send out the link to my email subscribers only monthly. I do not want to become a spammer!


Met this fellow during a trip to Ft. Worth, Texas, last year. I took dozens of digital images of him and a few other cowboys who were there for a special event. I prefer working from life, but working out sketches for this painting could almost hear his charming laugh. I took many more images of the rodeo and some other interesting cowboys, and Indians.

To see more of my latest work, please visit my virtual gallery website.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lost in painting

Well I hope that I can get a bit caught up this week. Been painting so much, that I haven't had time to post.
I will post a few new pieces here and of course on my home page.

This one is called Dancing Oak.

I have done so many still lifes that I needed to literally take a breath of fresh air. Check back again in a day and see another piece. I am also going to post some experimental works on another blog. Check for the link here later today.