Monday, November 14, 2005

November fog

Well, have been feeling somewhat foggy over some non art related stresses. Nature seemed to agree and when I looked outside last week, I found this vision that I rushed to paint. The working title is November Fog, but I may change this. I prefer more esoteric titles.
Click on the image to enlarge it and hit the back button to return to the page. It was a good week I completed four paintings. Using water soluable oils! Holbein is the brand. Normal oil colors can be added to mix new hues without removing the soap and water cleanup characteristics of this media. Acrylics, watercolor and gouache can also be mixed with these oils. I use Holbein acryla gouache. The oils...called Duo, can be layered over other media as well and visa versa. I missed oils very much. The quality and handling is just like what I remember with normal oils. What a great invention.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stormdance paintings

I am interested in spirals and other patterns found in nature. I did a series of paintings with this in mind a couple of years ago.
Skydance was the first of this series.

Recovery mode

We were fortunate. Power was lost and found. Communication desolved as even buried cables were uprooted with felled trees and cell service was almost non existent. Still, we are lucky beyond words. The sketch group was disabled by a lack of power. I thought I would use quiet time to draw. Instead, I found myself using my time to figure out how to keep frozen food frozen beyond 3 days. We had no structural damage. The emotional toll is unexpected. Those who served the public during the storm are certainly stressed.
Nature is powerful. Feeling humbled by this brush with disaster, I am eager to return to the life sketch group tonight. My best hope is to channel the stress from the storm into work. Perhaps I may revive my StormDance series.